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Perspectives in Assistive and Adaptive Technology

Education Caspersen School of Graduate Studies

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes


Course Short Title

Assistive and Adaptive Tech

Course Long Title

Perspectives in Assistive and Adaptive Technology

Course Description

Explores computer technology, assistive/adaptive devices (AT), augmentative and alternative communication devices (AAC), as well as assistive technology services. Course content will focus on the use of assistive and adaptive technology to support access to the curriculum and learning, as well as effective instructional strategies to address the learning needs of students with a variety of disabilities. Particular attention will be placed on adapting instruction to incorporate users of AAC, selecting instructional strategies and technologies, and combining these methods in a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction





Course Restrictions

Major: Education - INTO (I), English as a Second Language (I), Master of Education (I), MAT Elementary Education (I), MAT Elementary Education w/ESL (I), MAT Elementary Education wTOSD (I), MAT Secondary Education (I), MAT Secondary Education w/ESL (I),

Equivalent Course(s)
