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Inquiry in Language and Literacy

Education Caspersen School of Graduate Studies

Course Subject Code


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Course Short Title

Inquiry in Language & Literacy

Course Long Title

Inquiry in Language and Literacy

Course Description

Examines how and why inquiry based learning ensures that all learners are able to meet New Jersey Common Core Curriculum Standards, as well as other state standards, through student choice and engagement. The focus is on training candidates to teach their students how to think like real-world writers and readers by learning how to make choices, research, analyze, synthesize, document. Helps teachers to develop a curriculum that fosters student independence while meeting the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students--with a specific attention to seeing language as an area of inquiry and engagement. Partially based on field experience in a local school.





Course Restrictions

Major: Education - INTO (I), English as a Second Language (I), Master of Education (I), MAT Elementary Education (I), MAT Elementary Education w/ESL (I), MAT Elementary Education wTOSD (I), MAT Secondary Education (I), MAT Secondary Education w/ESL (I),

Equivalent Course(s)
