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Advocacy in Curriculum Design

Education Caspersen School of Graduate Studies

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes


Course Short Title

Advocacy Curriculum Design

Course Long Title

Advocacy in Curriculum Design

Course Description

Builds a conceptual and practical understanding of the principles and best practices for differentiating assessment and instruction as part of the curriculum design process to promote access to content and academic success. Topics include: differentiating for readiness, interest, and learning profile using multiple evidence-based strategies that provide learners with options for processing information and understanding ideas; differentiating assessment and response; creating spaces where the diverse needs of those who have been marginalized and underserved are met at both the classroom and school levels is a major focus; and advocacy to achieve a more equitable educational system for all learners.





Course Restrictions

Major: Education - INTO (I), English as a Second Language (I), Master of Education (I), MAT Elementary Education (I), MAT Elementary Education w/ESL (I), MAT Elementary Education wTOSD (I), MAT Secondary Education (I), MAT Secondary Education w/ESL (I),

Equivalent Course(s)
