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Advocacy for Students and Families

Education Caspersen School of Graduate Studies

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

NEDU: Minor-Education and Society, ULVL: Upper Level UG Course

Course Short Title

Advocacy Students Families

Course Long Title

Advocacy for Students and Families

Course Description

Critically examines power dynamics and prepares students to recognize, question, and understand structural inequities and privileges by investigating how inequalities and/or stereotypes, discrimination, systemic inequities, and violence along lines of race, ethnicity, class, gender, religion, national origin, sexuality, ability, or intersections thereof are produced and sustained. Relevant laws on special education and diversity, equity and inclusion will be covered in service of positioning teachers as advocates for students and their outside-of-school communities.





Course Restrictions

Level: GD (I), GM (I), Major: Education - INTO (I), English as a Second Language (I), Master of Education (I), MAT Elementary Education (I), MAT Elementary Education w/ESL (I), MAT Elementary Education wTOSD (I), MAT Secondary Education (I), MAT Secondary Education w/ESL (I),

Equivalent Course(s)
