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Registration and Changes in Registration

Students should refer to the Academic Calendar for registration dates each term. It is recommended for all students to meet with their academic advisor/program director prior to registering for classes. In some terms, students may require a PIN to register which they can get from their advisor. Email notification will be sent prior to registration opening for a term indicating if a PIN is required or not.

Students will have the opportunity to add or drop most classes via the online student registration system through the second week of a Fall or Spring term, first week of a Summer term.

  • Adding: Some classes may require permission of the instructor to add in the second week of a Fall or Spring term. A registration error of “ADD PERMISSION IN 2ND WEEK” will display to the student if permission of the instructor is required. Students should reference any emails from the academic standing committees regarding financial implications when requesting to add a class late in a term.

  • Dropping a class without a W: The class is removed from a students schedule completely. Students should reference the Student Accounts website for financial implications related to dropping a class as financial deadlines may vary from registration dates.

  • Dropping a class with a W: The deadline in which students may drop a class with a W (withdraw) in a term is listed on the Academic Calendar. A W grade is counted towards the student’s time status and included in financial assessment. The W grade does not effect a student’s GPA, but is visible on the transcript.

Students may petition the Graduate Academic Standing Committee for changes in registration that do not meet these policies, but must document extraordinary circumstances.

Detailed instructions regarding registration are available on the Registrar's Office Registration website.

Continuous Registration

All Caspersen students who have completed coursework but are still working towards their degree (dissertation, exams, etc.) must be enrolled in continuous registration classes in order to be considered students who are proceeding toward a degree in the Caspersen School.


A student may be prevented from registering by a registration-blocking hold. Holds may be placed on a student's record for a number of reasons, including: a balance that is past due, academic standing, meeting with advisor/dean, missing required documents, Title IX training, etc. Students must resolve holds with the appropriate office to be able to register for classes.

Administrative Withdrawal from Courses

Students review the Financial Obligation Agreement every six months prior to accessing registration. As stated in this agreement, if a student fails to pay their student account bill or any monies owed to Drew University by the due date, Drew University may place a financial hold on the student's account, which can result in cancellation of classes and/or suspension of eligibility to register for future classes at the University.